20 потрясающих скульптур из старых компакт-дисков. Выглядят, словно из другого измерения!

20 потрясающих скульптур из старых компакт-дисков. Выглядят, словно из другого измерения!

Что вы можете сделать со старыми компакт-дисками, которые вам больше не нужны? Не секрет, что их переливающиеся цвета привлекают многих.

Их эстетическую ценность оценил австралийский художник Шон Эйвери, который выбрал компакт-диски в качестве своего любимого материала. Конечный эффект поражает воображение, независимо от того, под каким углом вы любуетесь цветами.

Художник использует кухонные ножницы, чтобы вырезать из компакт-дисков нужные формы, а затем раскладывает кусочки в соответствии с их формой и цветом. Затем он приклеивает их на проволочную сетку, чтобы создать эффект перьев.

Обычно на одно изделие у него уходит примерно неделя, хотя иногда это может быть и дольше. Изделиями можно полюбоваться ниже.

#1 Замечательная красочная птичка колибри

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#2 Милая собачка с черной спинкой

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#3 Милая коала на ветвях эвкалипта

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#4 Медведь панда

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#5 Молодой пингвин

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#6 Сапсан

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#7 Розовая колпица

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#8 Трофей-морж

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#9 Сокол

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#10 Металлическая кошка

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#11 Крошечная колибри

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#12 Маленький ежик

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#13 Еще одна птичка колибри

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#14 Маленький лисенок в лесу

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#15 Снегирь

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#16 Шиншилла

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#17 Птица кукабурра

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#18 Птенец

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#19 Огромный дракон

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension

#20 Юная сова

20 Stunning Sculptures Made of Old CDs. They Look as If They Were from Another Dimension